Delivery of Air Instruction
When air instruction is delivered in cockpit, it tends to follow a general format through which the lesson progress.
Transition Statement
Remember that the typically training flight is comprised of a series of exercises or drills, directed by the Flight Instructor and practiced by the student pilot. There is a review phase to each flight, where previously learned exercises are rehearsed and practice, there typically is a progression through a series of drills that comprise the newly learned exercises or flight sequence, and there is a preview phase when the student is given a peek at the new exercise to be learned next flight—this is all in addition to the takeoff and departure, the navigation exercise used to transition to the practice area, the navigation exercise that returns the aircraft back to the airport, and of course the approach and landing. The activity can easily get confusing for student pilots, so lesson “road signs” are critical. Transition statements overtly announce when a new learning activity is about to begin, giving the student transition to the new activity mentally and physically. “Frankie, well done on the turns (or whatever activity the student just finished), and lets move on to climbs and descents (or whatever is the new exercise). The transition statement should be repeated for emphasis.
“I want to first provide you with a demonstration, and then you’ll get a chance to try it.” Repeat for emphasis (hopefully using a different phrase). Now Frankie knows what’s coming—no surprises.
Focus Question
Get the student mentally focus with a short question that will assure a short answer from the student. “Do you remember the sequence of action for entering a climb Frankie?” “Do you remember the three symptoms of the stall Frankie?” “Do you remember the three actions required for recovering from a spiral dive Frankie?” These types of questions will get your student in sync.
Sequence Summary
Now briefing outline the series of action assocated with the drill or maneuver. "Okay, here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to establishe the aircraft in straight and level flight, making sure I have a marker used to keep straight. Then I'm going to check for traffic above. Then I'm going to smoothly establish a nose-up attitude. Then I'm going to smoothly advance the throttle to full power, ensuring I control yaw and keep the aircraft straight with rudder, and then I'm going to trim. As with approach the target altitude, I'm going to . . ."
"Any questions Frankie?"
"Okay, here we go . ."